Thursday, February 11, 2010

s'ya we dis, emregor

I can't remember exactly where, but in one of my lonely journeys across the vast and trackless wastes of the internet a few days ago I came across a discussion where someone threw the name Sredni Vashtar into the discussion, to make precisely what point I can't remember.

This prompts me to observe two things: firstly that the name comes from a short story by Saki aka HH Munro, many of whose works are available online, Sredni Vashtar included. The short story format (and Saki's were short even by short story standards) is perfect for online consumption; I wouldn't fancy reading a whole novel this way (and no, I don't particularly want a Kindle either). Other good ones include Tobermory and The Open Window, but they're all worth reading.

Actually, reading The Unrest-Cure reminds me of the context - the protagonist Clovis Sangrail (who appears in a few Saki stories) is the online name of one of the regular commenters at Speak You're Branes, and there was a conversation about it a while back. Phew; I can sleep tonight now.

My other point, while I remember, is that Sredni Vashtar is another of those things that looks as if it's been written down backwards by accident. Surely it was meant to be Rath Savinders?

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