Tuesday, July 01, 2008

sonic cathedrals

No sign of the promised new album from My Bloody Valentine yet, though they have been playing some well-received live shows in the UK, and have some festival dates lined up.

In the meantime they are re-issuing both of their albums in re-mastered and bonusly-betracked form in September - 1988's Isn't Anything and 1991's Loveless. Current perverse rock critic revisionism would seem to want to have you believe that Isn't Anything is the better album, but, fine though it is, Loveless is the one, I promise you. As the review in this month's Q magazine says (paraphrasing slightly), Isn't Anything at least sounds, for all its strangeness, as if it was made by human beings, whereas Loveless is "one huge amplified interplanetary buzz".

In addition to buying both of these, you should download the contents of the Glider EP from iTunes as well (the actual EP seems only to be available as a prohibitively expensive import). That lot should tide you over until the new album appears.

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