Thursday, January 11, 2024

let me show you my BOTY

Last of the book-related housekeeping for 2023 - I'd forgotten that I'd introduced the idea of doing a sort of loose Books Of The Year thing back in March; that post retrospectively collected all the years up to and including 2022. I had suggested doing it every January for the previous year's collection of books, without, cleverly, actually definitely committing to anything. Well, here I am doing it; these are my nominations for 2023. As before, the Comment text is lifted verbatim from the linked review as a sort of amuse-bouche, if you will.

Year Author Title Comment
2023 William Gibson Count Zero his brain is wired to explode, his hair has the plague, his entire leg is a missile, etc.
Tarjei Vesaas The Ice Palace her semi-frozen corpse should slurp out of the ice and spoil someone's picnic
Colson Whitehead The Underground Railroad Well, North Carolina will be pretty much like South Carolina, right? Only, you know, further north and all

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