Monday, June 16, 2014

mapsolutely fabulous

Inspired by this quiz in the Guardian last week - which you should go and do first; I got a distinctly average 7/10, and that was aided by a couple of lucky guesses - I've harvested a few pictures of maps from some (fiction) books on my bookshelves. These are in no particular order, and I'm not promising that I've captured every book I own that contains a map, but as it happens this quick skim yielded a nice round ten pictures, so here they are. Have a look (click for embiggenment) and see if you recognise any. If it helps at all, four of these are from books which have featured in this blog - I have omitted the obvious one, Riddley Walker, since I've reproduced the map here before, and that would be too easy. Answers in comment #1, unless someone beats me to it.











1 comment:

  1. So...

    1 is from Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow by Peter Høeg.
    2 is from A Small Death In Lisbon by Robert Wilson.
    3 is from
    The Name Of The Rose
    by Umberto Eco.
    4 is from Life A User's Manual by
    Georges Perec
    5 is from Dead Lagoon by
    Michael Dibdin
    6 is from
    Faceless Killers
    by Henning Mankell.
    7 is from Shardik by Richard Adams.
    8 is from Maia by the same author.
    9 is from Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
    10 is from Helliconia Winter by Brian Aldiss. An identical map appears in Helliconia Summer.
