Wednesday, September 19, 2012

willy make it? no

Here's something I forgot to add to the previous post, but to be honest it was starting to get a bit long anyway. One of the things we did with Jenny and Jim was to go and have a crack at climbing to the top of Cornwall's highest point, Brown Willy, not exceptionally high at 420 metres (1378 feet) but nonetheless the county high point.

It's actually a pretty short walk from the car park at Roughtor, just down the road from Camelford, but nonetheless we had to leave Jenny and Jim to make the final assault on Brown Willy by themselves as Nia decided that she really didn't want to be in her nice comfy Baby Bjorn any more and was going to tell us about it at considerable volume until we took her back to the car.

All a bit galling, but some trawling through old photographs convinces me with about 95% certainty that I have been up Brown Willy before, at the very tail end of 1999 - I'm almost certain that the photo below shows me at the top in some nasty misty weather and in a hideously ill-judged jeans and baseball cap combo. I know it was somewhere in the vicinity and that spindly summit cairn is pretty distinctive - the nearby summit of Rough Tor is nothing like it, for instance.

The other obvious things to say about the photo are to observe firstly how huge my glasses are and secondly how young I look; then again I was at that point still in my twenties, by about a month and a half. It's been a tough decade.

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