Thursday, September 02, 2010

you be careful out among the english

A couple of recent additions to the photo galleries which may or may not be of interest:
  • Firstly some photos from Jim's stag weekend a couple of weeks ago - as befits a group of gentlemen of advancing years we skipped having it large in Ibiza or Riga and opted for a weekend canoeing down the River Wye instead. We hired canoes from Monmouth here, got dropped off in Ross-on-Wye on the Friday night, sampled the fleshpots of Ross till the early hours of Saturday, and then after a hearty fry-up and lots of coffee clambered into our canoes and gingerly set off downriver. We stopped at the Courtfield Arms at Lower Lydbrook for lunch (where, coincidentally, we'd stopped on the bikes during the cycle tour of the Forest of Dean a couple of years ago) and then pressed on to the campsite at Symonds Yat for Saturday night, taking in a lengthy session at the Wye Knot Inn just up the road. After another fry-up on Sunday it was a leisurely couple of hours' paddling (with a brief bit of excitement early doors while shooting the Symonds Yat Rapids) back to Monmouth to pick up the cars.
  • Secondly, some pictures from last weekend's barn-raising and barbecue at my parents' place - not quite on the scale of the building work in Witness, but then again there weren't as many of us, and we were fortified with a barrel of Adnams rather than lemonade. On the upside, no-one woke me up at 4:30am to bellow "TIME FOR MILKING" at me either.

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