Wednesday, September 15, 2010

wears the beef

The mighty all-seeing and unforgiving eye of the Electric Halibut has languidly turned its fishy gaze on the world of what the kool and krazy kids are calling "pop music" this week. And in its inimitable style it has noticed a couple of interesting things:
  • Cheryl Cole's new single Promise This is the second single in recent times to heavily cannibalise the old French nursery rhyme Alouette, the first being Mark Ronson's Bang Bang Bang. Far be it from me to suggest that the lovely Cheryl or her musical handlers are doing the old Madonna-esque trick of nicking musical ideas and stuff from people far cooler and more innovative than herself, but, well, there you are, I've done it now.
  • There was much amusing furore surrounding Lady Gaga's somewhat outlandish choice of outfit for the MTV Video Music Awards, specifically a dress and shoes combo made entirely out of raw meat. Since that's a Daily Mail article, you can be pretty sure that additional humour will be available in the comments, and sure enough here's a good example:
    Find me a picture of The Beatles wearing showers on their heads. Or Sinatra wearing a suit made from gnomes. Coldplay performing with suits of cheese and Onions. This woman is pathetic. Dressing up absurdly is all it takes to be a big star in the music industry these days. Its moronic, shallow and just plain attention seeking behaviour. As for the dress? Its as fake as Cheryl Cole performing live without miming...
    Yeah, those proper pop stars back in the day would never resort to the sort of stupid antics that today's modern so-called pop stars get up to. I mean, posing while festooned in raw meat? Please. Those nice lovable mop-top Beatles would never stoop to such blatant publicity-seeking tactics. Oh, wait.