Monday, July 27, 2009

what I did at the weekend

On Saturday we nipped over to St. Woolos' Cathedral (about 50 yards down the road) as they'd put a leaflet through our door advertising a Summer FĂȘte. Not only was there the prospect of some Women's Institute jam and cake, but also the opportunity to pay the princely sum of two quid and go up to the roof of the cathedral tower (normally closed to the public), including a visit to the ringing room for a brief but informative talk about bell-ringing. All proceeds to the church roof fund, whose current impoverished state can be gauged by the fact that their website seems to be currently defunct; maybe the proceeds from the fĂȘte will help. Anyway, the views from the roof of the tower are pretty good; it's rather a short stubby affair (featuring 113 steps, apparently) but it does sit upon one of the highest points in central Newport, so the panorama is quite impressive.

All good stuff, as was the second-hand bookstall selling quite decent-quality fiction paperbacks for the frankly derisory price of 30p each. Rude not to snap up half-a-dozen or so, so I did.

Photos can be found here.

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