Wednesday, April 30, 2008

24 hours from Ulster

A longer post on the same subject will follow when I have time, but for now here are some photographs from our long weekend in Northern Ireland (and Derry in particular).

[Footnote: Doug tells me the small terrified furry creature we encountered on top of Slieve League is in fact a hare, not a rabbit, so I have bowed to his superior expertise in this area and corrected the captions accordingly. I thought it tasted a bit funny, now I think about it.]


  1. Very nice photo's.

    Your "baby rabbit" though (you'll be VERY pleased to know I'm sure) is not a rabbit, but a LEVERET.
    How can one tell?
    1) Baby rabbits would not tolerate humans that close - they would firstly generally be underground, or near their warren entrance with at least one adult. As soon as you nasal got close, they'd scarper. (Your "rabbit" is displaying the incredibly characteristic behaviour of leverets or hares by lying low, and only bolting virtually as one steps on it).
    2) Leverets are born above ground and are precocious - unlike rabbit kittens - this fits too.
    3) One of your photographs shows a VERY good view of the "hare's long legs".
    Hares (and leverets) have long enough legs to lift their body well clear of the ground, unlike the lower, squatter wabbits.
    4) Its eye just "looks" like a hare's eye, not a rabbits....

    Soooo... you've happened across a LEVERET! Very jealous here!

    Just wondering if (after you took its photo) it became a STARTLED LEVERET?!

  2. Interesting. I was wondering where Mum & Dad could have dug a warren on top of a rocky cliff, and I was looking around nervously for some sort of six-foot were-rabbit with a pickaxe.

    I think us nearly stepping on it took care of the startledness bit, though at no point did it make that "startled leveret" noise that you make. Therefore I conclude that you've been yanking my chain all these years.

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    i didn't realise that you have also had to endure the startled leveret noise from Doug!! now that you have proof that there is no startled leveret noise, I feel extremely ripped off too!!

  4. Oh ye of little feet, *cough* FAITH.

    Anna and I are gonnae buy a pub and call it
    "The Startled Leveret".

    And the very roof will be lifted, nay flung right off, to the merry sounds of squeaking leverets as we startle them.

