Tuesday, August 14, 2007

feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space-cadet glow

Brief footnote to the previous post: Doug and I went to Glastonbury in 2002 and Roger Waters was one of the headlining acts (mid-evening on the Sunday). The significance of a band featuring just one member of the original line-up that recorded The Wall playing songs from it, particularly the one (In The Flesh) that goes "they sent us along, as a surrogate band" wasn't lost on me, I can tell you. Now that, Alanis Morrissette, is ironic.

Even briefer footnote: Gerald Scarfe has a website featuring lots of artwork, including lots of Wall-related stuff. Have a look, it's really very good.


  1. More irony for you.
    A comment on that post of yours regarding Pink Floyd - consisting of two words...

    "No comment"...

  2. Further irony: I spelt Alanis Morissette's name wrong - too many r's. Looks like I don't know my r's from my elbow, ho ho.
