Monday, May 07, 2007

just a quickie...

...amusingly named estate agents.

I didn't know, until a few days ago, that the character Hotblack Desiato in Douglas Adams' Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy books (specifically, The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe) was named after a London estate agent.

Which is a pretty amusing name. It's not as good, however, as the one I saw when I was in Reading this weekend - if you live in the Reading area and you've got a house to sell, why not put it in the hands of the good people at Vanderpump and Wellbelove?


  1. Yes, but I've never seen a funnier one than this shop in Innsbruck: See the Shop Sign

  2. It's an oldie but a goodie: Pschitt lemonade. Or "Pschitt Pschitting limonade" as the window title bar has it.

  3. Nice little gathering of amusing product labels here, too. Mmmmmm.....cock soup.
