Friday, May 18, 2007

the dog's bollocks

Balderdash & Piffle is back on tonight. As this article astutely observes, there's something just a little bit smug and annoying about it - in fact Richard Stilgoe even made a brief appearance in tonight's programme, which sort of proves the article's point. They are, however, quite right about Victoria Coren. They say vixen, I say minx. It's a fine line, though.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The phrase Posh Totty leaps to mind. I'm a bit more of a Dr Alice Roberts man myself.

    I (deliberately) nearly ran her over the other day in order to flirt in a ridiculously star-struck manor with her.

    All I could manage was "Hello (dribble, giggle) I just wanted to be able to tell my wife you said hello to me, so...hello"

    "Hello" she said whilst barely stifling a full-on belly laugh at my stupidity.

    I'm all class, me.

  2. Ah, the lovely Dr. Alice. I think it's the pigtails that do it. And the fact that she's obviously quite posh, but just got a teeny bit of a Bristolian twang as well from living here so long.

    She just about made Coast worth watching by counteracting the effect of that twat Nicholas Crane, with his hilarious Great British Eccentric habit of carrying an unbrella in his rucksack wherever he went, like it would help in some way putting a bleeding umbrella up in a storm on a clifftop at Cape Wrath. Tosser.

  3. Jann,
    The word is manner not manor, no wonder you cant get posh totty.
    Glamorous was used in the song Swonderful written in the 30s.
    So the idea that Harrison Marks
    used it for the first time in the
    50s is incorrect.

  4. Anonymous12:21 AM


    If pedantry is your thing, then doubtless you'll already have noticed you forgot the apostrophe not only in the word can't but also at the beginning of the song title.

    Gawd bless yer...

  5. You missed my comedy misspelling of "unbrella" there as well.

    And I think you're addressing your remarks about the word "glamorous" to the wrong person, since I really don't care, I just fancy Victoria Coren. Corrections like that, if it's true, are what the programme positively invites, though, so don't bitch about it here, get onto B&P and tell them.

    And if you can get Vicky's mobile number while you're at it, pass it on.
