Monday, March 19, 2007

onanistic capsicofascism - no, really....

My local Sainsbury's sells all manner of delicious nibbly things in jars, for instance the Tabasco olives I mentioned in a previous post, delicious Sun-Blush tomatoes, marinated wild mushroom antipasti, larks' tongues in aspic, that sort of thing. A recent addition to the range is the tangy pickled miniature peppers sold under the trademarked name PEPPADEW. And very delicious they are too; they come in two strengths, mild and tangy, though to be honest I haven't noticed a great deal of difference between the two.

Couple of observations though: firstly if you browse around their website they are slightly scarily monomaniacally prescriptive, and indeed proscriptive, about what you should call the product. I think a middle ground of people referring to them as "Peppadew peppers" is probably the best they can hope for. In any case once I've paid for the jar I reserve the right to call them whatever I deem appropriate, including Brenda.

Secondly, this is a close-up of the back of the jar I bought today. Have a look at the suggestion in the red section. Well.....why not toss into a fresh green salad? Well, there is the hygiene issue, though on the other hand it's high in zinc and protein. You could always claim it was some kind of Caesar dressing, I suppose.

On a completely unrelated topic, if you saw the Peter Kay & Matt Lucas wheelchair duet on Comic Relief night, you might have noticed the showbiz legend that is Terry Nutkins in the audience. Strangely, during the 20-odd years since his slightly irritating long-haired seal-wrangling antics on Animal Magic and The Really Wild Show he seems to have turned into David Carradine in Kill Bill. How did that happen?

1 comment:

  1. Rather like the (sadly not used any more) SUN MAID RAISINS box slogan -

    "toss liberally over your favourite breakfast cereal"!

    What's wrong with 'top-of-milk'?!
