Sunday, December 17, 2006

exciting blog news

You may or may not have noticed that the blog looks a bit different today. That's because I've re-skinned it, so to speak, by changing the template from the previous Snapshot, which was starting to get a bit pastel-y for my liking, to the bold new Rounders 3. It's bold, it's new, it's now, it's happening, it's relevant, it's asking pertinent questions like "isn't that plain blue header area a bit dull - wouldn't an image of some sort perk it up a bit?". And it's right, but I haven't got time to worry about that right now, I'm a busy man.

I've also, while I was tinkering with templates, registered with and installed Google Analytics, a free website monitoring tool from those nice kind multi-millionaires at Google. So now I will get regular reports telling me who's reading the blog, and where they came from (or, alternatively, blank reports telling me I really am just howling into the void. We'll see...), though not, sadly, where they live.

I've also just watched a TV advert for Senokot followed immediately by an advert for Immodium. So now I don't know what to think....


  1. I liked it so much I stole the template.

    Aint I a bastard?

  2. Word to the wise then: I tweaked down the font sizing in the "main" section of the template just a fraction, from 97% to (I think) 90%, just so I could fit a bit more verbosity on a page. Isn't that interesting?

  3. I've tweaked mine a bit too, and got rid of some of the dotty outlines.
