Monday, November 06, 2006

the last book I read

Excession by Iain M. Banks.

I read quite a number of Iain Banks' books a while ago (just quickly, for those not in the know, the "straight" novels are written as Iain Banks, while he acquires the "M" for the science fiction ones) and thought they ranged from the brilliant (The Wasp Factory) to the pretty good (Whit, Complicity) to the pretty underwhelming (Canal Dreams, The Business). It was only a couple of years ago I got round to reading Consider Phlebas, the first of his SF novels, and I thought it was terrific. I still think, having read three others, that it's the best one he's written. The two which follow it, The Player Of Games and Use Of Weapons, are much less rollicking adventure stories and much more psychological, character-driven books, not that there's anything wrong with that. Excession, on the other hand, is a funny sort of novel, slightly uncategorisable really. Not a huge amount actually happens, and a lot of it is transcripts of electronic communication between the AI "Minds" controlling a number of continent-sized spaceships. Given that, it's amazing that it rattles along as entertainingly as it does, especially as the central plot device is one that's been heavily used in any number of other sci-fi contexts from Star Trek onwards, namely: unimaginably advanced intelligence makes tentative contact with "us", takes a bit of a sniff around, casually brushes aside various attempts at contact and/or attack, decides that "we" are as yet too primitive and savage to be integrated into their world, and then buggers off again. Er, that's it. The "twist" here, such as it is, is that the "us" in this case is the Culture, a civilisation equally unimaginably advanced compared to our own.

Nowt wrong with it, though, though I wouldn't recommend it as an introduction to the Culture series (Consider Phlebas or The Player Of Games would be the best place to start). And any author who introduces a healthy dose of sex and humour into science fiction (a pretty unbearably po-faced genre a lot of the time) deserves a big thumbs-up....


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    If you get a chance, grab a copy of Against a Dark Background. Theft, violence, death, sex, war, religion and taxes. Not to mention an advanced weapons system with a sick sense of humour*. Smashing.

    *Bugger. I mentioned it.

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Wow! That is so relevant ... you must be such a clever SpamBot!

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  20. Weight loss is not always easy, as I stated above, however, it can be as easy or as hard as you make it. I'm going to give you another weight loss tip as a kind of freebie here before I go. Find a means of motivation for yourself. This actually ties into the loving yourself weight loss

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  25. Many popular diets attempt to set limits on calorie consumption based on the persons weight & height (and sometimes try to take into account "activity level" as well). Most weight

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  26. (1) Truby H, et al. Randomised controlled trial of four commercial weight loss programmes in the UK: initial findings from the BBC "diet trials" BMJ 2006;332:1309-1314 (3 June),
    (2) Michael D., et al, Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction. A Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2005;293:43-53.

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    Exercise is the key to sustainable, long lasting and real weight loss. For every pound you lose by eating right and exercising that is one more pound that will never come back to haunt you.

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  37. Just like most of the rest of our behavior, our eating habits are dictated by our beliefs, expectations, thoughts, and emotions. All of these are controlled by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind programs us to maintain a certain level of weight, and we will continue to eat the amount of food that is needed to keep us at that level. All of this is done automatically.

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  40. produces hormones associated with metabolism. This means that people who attempt to reduce are hungrier and suffer from higher appetite levels than they did before the loss. This lasts for at least one year after weight loss, making it far more difficult for someone who has dieted to maintain a lower weight than it is for someone who has never undergone a weight

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  43. long-term diet and exercise. Also, resolution or improvement in obesity-related diseases can occur with even moderate amounts of weight. Often many diseases can become closer to cured than improved with earlier intervention at a lower weight.

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  48. If you know that your daily caloric target is good and you have absolutely no calorie creep, then you should increase your cardio.

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  49. Unfortunately, muscle loss leads to a lower metabolism. Solution: Eat a diet rich in protein and exercise in conjunction with your reduced calorie diet to maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss. If necessary, vitamin supplements may be utilized to ensure correct nutrition.

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  50. The question as to just how exactly male enhancement pills work is one of the most frequently asked questions in men-only forums. At their core, the male enhancement pills are taken to increase the length and girth of the male sexual organ, which in many men's circles, is seen as the ultimate definition of a man's masculinity. Various male enhancement

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  51. but you're just not losing the weight. In the first week of your program you tend to lose the largest amount of weight. Much of the weight loss this first week is actually excess fluid and can constitute as much as 9 lb (4 kg) or more depending on your starting weight. Fluid loss can

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  54. Natural supplements to increase libido or sex drive in men have gained tremendous popularity over the past few years. This is because as far as enhancing your libido or sexual appetite is concerned, no prescribed medications can really be helpful. Though prescribed or


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  56. Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.

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  57. The male enhancement subject is within the group of what exactly is regarded as a 'controversial' discussion. One of the finest controversies, naturally, is regarding whether or not the products designed for male enhancement work. Regarding this aspect, the medical community appears to stay with the opinion that there are no ways of improving how big a

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  58. number of calories consumed during the rest of your day. Solution: Allow yourself recovery time. Take a break for a few days with some low impact exercise like swimming or tai chi. When you return to your normal exercise routine, pull back a little and only increase intensity when needed to maintain weight loss.

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  60. Next, we'll discuss the last and most debilitating issue that can create cravings and urges to eat. A great many people are compelled to overeat because of deep emotional reasons. Staying overweight can provide emotional protection against the challenges, and traumas we
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  61. Just because I feel sorry for crushing the hearts of so many twinkie lovers out there, I would say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers.... All of those "soul satisfying foods", but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.

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  62. The truth of the matter is this - losing body weight is actually easy, but losing body fat is not as easy as it might seem. It would also not be an exaggeration to say that a lot of diet promoters are pretty much aware of this fact but somehow intentionally fail or refuse to enlighten dieters about this weight loss phenomenon.

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  63. In case you're gradually putting on weight after some time, it is likely that your caloric admission is more prominent than the quantity of calories you smolder through your day by day exercises.
    The quantity of calories we blaze every day is reliant upon our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the quantity of calories we smolder every hour essentially by being alive and keeping up body capacities and our level of physical movement.

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  64. Not every man needs a prescription level drug solution to address Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or male impotence. A combination of several powerful natural herbs and supplements such as those found in natural male enhancement pills can be a perfect solution in many cases for male impotence and Erectile Dysfunction sufferers. What makes male enhancement pills and

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  65. how well a product is just by looking at its packaging. The wonders that it can do relies on its ingredients. So what are the male enhancement ingredients that the best male enhancement products use? Let's check them out.

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  66. do claim and back is that their products do workfor 85-90% of all men who have taken them. That appears to also be backed by the millions of sexually satisfied male enhancement customers. But more importantly, if you try a male enhancement product and find yourself to be that 1 out of 10 men that the product does not work for, most makers offer a 30 day money

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  68. Drinking water is a standout among the fastest Weight loss tips that dieticians propose to individuals and prompts 100+ calories additional blazed a day.
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  73. Many people attribute this lack of effectiveness to poor willpower on the part of the dieter, but recent research has shown that the problem is more complex than this. A 2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that losing weight changes the way the body

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  100. Klean Keto
    Helps you in losing wholesome weight
    Lets in you to get slimmer quickly
    Burns off the fat cells and carbohydrate from frame
    Converts the fat cells into practicable strength
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    Now we’ll get to understand the manner you may use this ketogenic weight loss supplement certainly. Keto Fast 700mg is a complement which may be used two times in line with day and keep it in thoughts that simply one capsule wishes to be acquired in a dose. Numerous males and females are best mad, and that they want to locate the results immediately.

  102. Vital Synergy Keto
    radicals loose, chemical compounds unfastened and additive free. Anyone who’s worried about their fats figure may utilize this complement to accumulate a first rate physique. Just read the complete article to recognize its merits and demerits in a better manner. So you can determine satisfactory for yourself.

  103. It enhances Cognitive functions:
    Keto XP
    Another wonderful fitness advantages about this weight reduction formulas it improves your cognitive capabilities. Your mental health and above all of the functioning of your primary frightened machine turns into better than earlier than.

  104. Vital Synergy Keto
    Every other institution took placebo tablets. Following the analysis changed into completed, it were recorded that the preliminary group had an growth of their lean muscles, blended with extended testosterone levels, higher bone mass, and just a lower in their overall fat percentage and fats mass. Any other group skilled none of these blessings.

  105. Other than this, Pure Crave Keto is blended with some other substances which includes methionine, choline, and burdock root. Such elements all have the same feature; reversing leptin resistance. They accomplish that through getting rid of numerous chemicals that cause leptin-resistant development in fat cells.

  106. Final Verdict:
    Pure Crave Keto The massive benefit of the use of Pure Crave Keto is attaining a healthful weight reduction plenty greater generally and also thoroughly. Because of energetic additives, the formula resources the wanted outcomes to its customers.

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  109. Mental Health

    Mental health growth involves managing stress, training our brains, expanding knowledge, and fostering emotional intelligence. With hectic modern lifestyles, learning to manage stress is essential to avoid burnout. We can mitigate anxiety and depression by identifying triggers, practicing relaxation techniques like meditation, exercising to boost endorphins, voicing feelings, and building resilience through journaling, therapy, or support groups.
